Heart Support Factor

Heart Support Factor

Heart Support Factor consists of 4 active ingredients, which can dissolve the sticky substances in blood, maintain elasticity of blood vessels and good blood circulation and enhance cardiovascular health. Heart Support Factor is a total solution for improving your heart functions and blood circulation, lowering bad fatty acid and blood lipids.

Price : HK$ 570.00

  • 1Box:$570.00
  • 10% off for 2 :$1026.00
  • Buy 4 Free 1 :$2280.00
  • Buy 7 Free 2 :$3990.00
  • Buy 10 Free 3 :$5700.00
  • Buy 12 Free 4 :$6840.00
  • Buy 24 Free 9 :$13680.00

The effect of red rice yeast and Nattokinase

According to a research in Asia, the consumption of combination of red rice yeast and Nattokinase can greatly reduce the total fatty acid by 25% and bad fatty acid by 41% in the body, whose effect is stronger and more safe than using either one of them solely.

Awards in many years

  • Wastons 2011 Health and Beauty Awards — The Best New Product
  • Wastons 2012 Health and Beauty Awards — Silver Award
  • Wastons 2013-2017 Health and Beauty Awards — Diamond Award

Recommended dosage:

  • For general health supplement: Take two softgels daily after meal
  • For susceptible individual: Take two softgels twice daily after meals
  • Professional Advice: Do not take a week before and after surgery. Blood-thinning medicine (Warfarin) user should not take this product.

Heart Support Factor suitable for people who:

  • concern for heart health*
  • are overweight, or with improper dietary patterns
  • have high arterial pressure, or unideal fatty acid profile (e.g. high bad fatty acid)
  • are always stressed, or with unhealthy lifestyle, e.g. smoking, excessive alcohol use, physically inactive, or lack of rest
  • get fatigue easily

Package: 200mg × 60 capsules

Warning: Do not consume this product if you are consuming blood-thinning drugs or one week before or after surgical operation.

*This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.

Red rice yeast

  • Chinese people have consumed red rice yeast for thousands of years. Red rice yeast is produced from the fermentation process of steamed rice with yeast. It contains Monacolin-K which is acting as a bad fatty acid synthesis inhibitor. It suppresses the rate determining step of bad fatty acid synthesis by monitoring the activity of HMG-CoA reductase (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase) and inhibit mevalonic acid synthesis that eventually slow down fatty acid production, especially bad fatty acid.
  • Red rice yeast can also produce superoxide dismutase (SOD), ribonuclease, α-galactosidase, pectinase enzyme, which is a very potent antioxidant.


Natto is a product of soyabean fermented by Bacillus Subtilis natto. Nattokinase is a special enzyme found in Natto can dissolve fatty and sticky substances in blood vessels. This improves the rate of metabolism, enhances the blood circulation, and excels a mild and sustainable blood-thinning property.

Co enzyme-Q10 (Co-Q10)

  • Co-Q10 is an auxiliary enzyme. Many biochemical and physiological reactions of enzymes rely on the work of Co-Q10. The principle physiological action of Co-Q10 is to catalyse the phosphorylation of ATP in mitochondria, enhancing the energy supply system of our body cells. The cardio muscle continuously exercise to beat for about 100,000 times a day that requires an enormous amount of energy.
  • There is a lower concentration of Co-Q10 in peoples with heart problems comparing to healthy individuals. (Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2008)
  • Co-Q10 is a lipid-soluble substance, which is transported between the cells by lipoprotein carriers such as LDL and HDL. Due to the potent antioxidant activity, Co-Q10 could prevent the lipoproteins from being oxidized and turned to harmful substances.

Deep Sea Fish Oil

The fish oil in Heart Support Factor extracted from Japan deep-sea Tuna. In 2003, American Heart Association stated that the dietary intake of Omega 3 (DHA and EPA) can effectively help prevent cardiovascular problems and maintain a normal serum fatty acid profile. Omega-3 fatty acid (DHA and EPA) gives positive effects on individuals with cardiovascular problems. Deep Sea Fish Oil supplementation can improve cardiovascular health by lowering triacylglycerol level and bad fatty acids.


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